Deficiencies in access to sanitation, drinking water quality and access to clean water contribute to 88% of deaths from diarrheal diseases.

“Lack of access to this essential service holds back social and economic development through its negative impacts on health, education and livelihoods.”

It is time to...
“Poor sanitation is an affront to human dignity.”
- Director General, World Health Organization
Despite worldwide efforts to meet the 2015 deadline for the achievement of the Millennium Developmental Goals (MDG) there are still 291 million people who do not have access to improved sanitation.

Progress has been made, but it's been slow...

"Southern Asia & Sub-Saharan Africa continue to have the lowest levels of coverage."

“Sanitation and the means to practice hygienic behaviors yield direct benefits in terms of health, education and economic productivity.”
The availability of simple and inexpensive approaches to improving water quality and sanitation have the ability to transform a community…
“Water and sanitation interventions are cost effective across all world regions. These interventions were demonstrated to produce economic benefits ranging from US $5 to US $46 per US $1 invested."
According to the World Health Organization,1 USD invested in sanitation will result in a net return of 9 USD.

"Halving the proportion of those globally without access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation by 2015 is estimated to result in 272 million school attendance days per year. The value of deaths averted, based on discounted future earnings, would amount to US$ 3.6 billion a year.”
Infographics taken from under the creative commons license.